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Inhalant Allergies in Guinea Pigs

Inhalant allergies in guinea pigs occur when their immune system reacts to specific airborne particles, known as allergens. These allergens, which the immune system perceives as threats, can stimulate the body to release substances that result in swelling, inflammation, and itching.

It’s essential to differentiate between guinea pigs’ inhalant allergies and respiratory infections. While both might present similar symptoms, their causes differ. Airborne particles trigger inhalant allergies, while respiratory infections result from bacteria or viruses. 

Symptoms of inhalant allergies

Upper airways: These symptoms might include a runny nose, sneezing, and mucosal swelling, commonly called “ruttling”.

Lower airways: The situation can become more severe. The bronchi, small air passages in guinea pigs, undergo contractions similar to asthma-like responses. This leads to significant mucus production and laboured breathing, which, if unattended, can become life-threatening.

If your guinea pig shows any of these symptoms, it’s vital to contact your vet immediately. If diagnosed with a respiratory infection, a swift medical intervention is crucial.

Causes of inhalant allergies

Several factors can cause allergies or irritations in a guinea pig’s airways, including:

  • Dusty bedding
  • Dusty hay
  • Household aerosols (including air fresheners)
  • Fragranced bedding
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Perfumes and deodorants
  • Plug-in air fresheners
  • Scented candles or incense sticks
guinea pig on bathmat bedding - a dust-free option
bathmats make a great dust-free bedding

Preventing inhalant allergies

To protect your guinea pigs from allergens, consider the following precautions:

  1. Dust Management: Dust is a significant irritant for guinea pigs. If you’re using disposable bedding, opt for dust-extracted varieties. Alternatively, fleece liners or bath mats serve as excellent dust-free options.
  2. Avoid Fragranced Bedding: While paper bedding is popular and often comes with added fragrances, these can irritate a guinea pig’s airways. It’s best to choose unscented varieties.
  3. Maintain Good Air Quality: A guinea pig’s airways are sensitive. As such, it’s advisable to avoid using household sprays like air fresheners or cleaning products near them. If your guinea pigs are housed in a bedroom, apply perfumes or deodorants in another room, such as the bathroom. Also, refrain from lighting scented candles or incense sticks in the same room as your guinea pigs.
  4. Smoke-Free Zone: Avoid smoking near your guinea pigs to ensure their well-being.

Diagnosis and treatment

A veterinarian will generally perform a physical examination to identify inhalant allergies. Sometimes, an X-ray might be recommended for a more precise diagnosis.

The first step in treating the allergy is to remove any potential allergens from the guinea pig’s environment. If symptoms persist or are severe, medication might be prescribed to alleviate and control them.